Couch to 5K Program Doggie Style

Over the weekend, we adopted a dog. Stupidest thing we could ever have done - we're never home, we've got two cats, and I hate to clean. But Doc needed a home, and I'm nothing if not a sucker.

So, Doc came home with us Saturday afternoon. We spent the day with him on Sunday and we all went for a short walk around the neighborhood. I took the week off to help him get acclimated, so on Monday we went out for another walk. 45 minutes around the neighborhood, with a few short bursts of an easy jog (I was in people clothes - not a comfortable experience, lemme tell ya). But we had a good time, and he got a nice workout even if I didn't.

Fast forward to Tuesday....well, it would seem that our 45 min walk was too much for Doc. 5 years of being a couch potato means I need to take it very slow with him, or else risk more pain and soreness for the pup. The slower I build him up now, the more likely it is that I'll have a running partner for a year or two (it's not a good idea to run large dogs once they're considered seniors).

With this in mind, Doc and I are going to start the Couch to 5K program. While I know that he'll never be able to join me on a long run, I hope to have a new partner for my neighborhood sleasy* runs.

*sleasy - slow and easy


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